Zanzibar Islands are Islands situated on the South Coast of Tanzania mainland being consisting of  Unguja and Pemba as main Islands, but also consists of other mini Islets like Tumbatu , Misali , Uzi, Prison Island, Chumbe  and other Islets.
Historically, Zanzibar had neither any University  nor Higher learning Institution and Zanzibar Scholars went on other areas like Tanzania mainland and foreign countries to continue with their studies, in which the University of Dar es salaam being a major University for our scholars.
Later on, Zanzibar established different Universities and other Higher Learning Institutes where Zanzibar Uiversity (ZU) was the first University to be established in Zanzibar
The State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) was  founded in 1999 and started its academic activities in 2001, now day there are various Institution which cater the needs of Higher Learning Education in Zanzibar,  they include Zanzibar Institute of Financial Administration (ZIFA), University college of Education (Chukwani), Institute of Public Administration (IPA) and other colleges

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